Jessie Slaymaker's Non-Existent Love Life (The Jessie Slaymaker Series) Page 3
‘Here she comes,’ Jack muttered to Charlie under his breath. Charlie’s expression barely registered any emotion as he turned to see Jessie coming towards him. He had turned into a cold fish, Jack found himself thinking.
‘Hi Charlie,’ she began, confidently smiling directly at Charlie.
‘Jack,’ she then said, more out of politeness, giving him only a cursory glance. Jack tried to contain a smile. It was blatant that she didn’t want him anywhere near her.
‘Hi Jessie,’ Charlie replied, giving her an awkward kiss on the cheek. ‘This is my brother, Jack. I think you’ve already met though,’ he continued. Shock and surprise flashed across Jessie’s face. Jack gave her credit for recovering so quickly. She obviously hadn’t been expecting that in a month of Sundays.
Chapter 10
Jessie felt stuck between a rock and a hard place. Here she was, right in the middle of her moment to shine, and Charlie had thrown her seriously off-kilter by introducing his brother to her. She tried to rearrange her face to one exuding calm and serenity, but feared she was failing miserably. So far, the plan wasn’t going to plan. Not at all.
‘Oh, I didn’t realise you had a brother,’ she said to Charlie lamely, purposefully avoiding Jack’s gaze.
As if on cue, the band suddenly came to life playing ‘Mambo No. 5’. Not exactly romantic, but it was better than nothing.
‘Charlie, would you like to dance?’ she asked, trying to keep her tone light. Please say yes, she silently begged.
‘I’m pretty sure the bride and groom are supposed to have the first dance, Jessie,’ Charlie laughed. ‘Oh, there’s Nadia over there. I must just check on the… going-away preparations,’ he quickly added, before vacating his seat. ‘Hey Jessie, keep my brother company for a bit, will you?’ he called back over his shoulder, before striding off towards Nadia and her horrendous dress.
‘Yes sir,’ she muttered to herself as she took Charlie’s seat at the bar and stared into her half-empty glass. She couldn’t believe he’d just walked away. He’d barely acknowledged her presence, never mind seen the full glory of her dress or anything. Jessie kicked herself. How could she have been so bloody stupid? She was absolutely mortified. She was going to have to resign and move to Alaska for a decade, she was so embarrassed.
‘You okay?’ Jack asked softly, pressing his shoulder to hers.
‘This isn’t how it was supposed to be,’ she answered, feeling utterly deflated, unable to bring herself to look at him.
‘Oh, right. How was it supposed to be then?’ he asked, signalling for the barman to top up her champagne glass.
‘Well, he wasn’t supposed to walk off and palm me off on you for a start,’ she replied, lifting her eyelashes slightly in Jack’s direction. ‘He wasn’t supposed to laugh at me, even if asking him to dance was inappropriate. He should have said, of course he would and then notice the smallness of my waist. Is that too much to ask? But no, that would be too bloody simple for him, wouldn’t it?’ She knew she was waffling, but she didn’t care. She’d been chasing this guy for years and the champagne had gone to her head. She was sad and lonely and she was exhausted from trying to hide it.
‘My brother is a fool. You do know that, don’t you Jessie?’ Jack asked, leaning in still closer to her. Jessie could feel his warmth radiating through his shirt touching her bare arm. She allowed herself to look at him and actually see him properly for the first time today. There was no denying it: he was a fine-looking man, similar in build to Charlie, but altogether darker in terms of complexion and hair, with dark brown eyes which matched her own. His face had relaxed now, and his jaw had lost the tenseness which she’d noticed at dinner. He had a playful smile on his lips and a glint in his eye. She stared into his eyes and deliberated for a good ten seconds before she made up her mind.
Then she kissed him. Slowly at first, just tasting the beer off his lips. Then tasting it more strongly from the tip of his tongue. It sent pulse waves through her unsatisfied body. Some nagging voice inside her which she normally ignored was urging her on. You need this Jessie, it kept repeating.
Their kiss began to deepen, and she could feel his urgency heighten as well as her own. Jessie could feel her body taking over her senses. Just when she thought she would start unbuttoning his shirt in a public place if they continued, she forced herself to stop. Jessie didn’t pull away, but instead she looked Jack squarely in the eye, and said to his uncomprehending face in a firm tone:
‘I really want to fuck you.’
She watched Jack’s eyes widen like saucers. He obviously hadn’t expected her to say that. He didn’t reply, but gently took her hand and led her out of the wedding reception.
Chapter 11
Well, that was a turn up for the books, Jack thought to himself as he studied his reflection in his bathroom mirror. He hadn’t expected any of today’s events at all. Not in a million years. Jessie had kissed him. The green goddess had actually kissed him. Not just any kiss either. A great kiss. A kiss he would be remembering for a long time. He couldn’t work out exactly why she’d done it. Charlie had been nowhere in sight, so it couldn’t have been for his benefit. Not at that moment anyway. Then she’d said she wanted to fuck him. Not make love, or anything that was remotely romantic. Just a fuck. Was that really all she wanted? Of course she was doing this to get at his brother, whether it was a conscious decision on her part or not. If she couldn’t have Charlie, then she’d make do with his little brother Jack instead. The question for Jack was: did he really care what her true motives were?
Jack walked slowly out of the bathroom, back into his bedroom with his hands in his pockets. What a stroke of luck he’d decided to stay at the venue—after all, he’d only done so out of sheer laziness, not in the expectation of getting some action. He had to admit, he was more than a little perplexed—as well as intrigued—by Jessie’s behaviour. He didn’t want her to do anything tonight that she might regret later, and so he’d decided to give her an easy way out. He hoped she wouldn’t take it.
Jessie was standing at the window, looking out at the manor house’s grounds. He stood on the other side of the bed, watching her, wondering what he should say.
‘We can go back to the reception if you’d prefer,’ he said softly, silently wishing she would kiss him again.
‘Can you read my mind, Jack?’ she said, turning to face him, hands on hips and fixing him with a stare. When he didn’t say anything she continued, ‘Because if you can, after… what is it, five hours of barely knowing me, then you must be bloody brilliant. I said I wanted to fuck you, and maybe you don’t know me well enough yet, so let me enlighten you. I wouldn’t say something like that lightly, or if I didn’t mean it.’
Jack couldn’t help but smile at her. She was incredibly attractive when she was riled, and made even more so by the fact that she clearly didn’t know how gorgeous she was being.
‘Don’t you want me, Jack Davenport?’ she said testily, misreading his smile and fixing him with narrowed eyes.
‘I’ll take your silence as my cue to get undressed then, shall I?’ she added when Jack didn’t say anything. He was enjoying this. His closed his fists tightly in his pockets as he willed her to follow through with her threat of getting undressed.
She smiled playfully and began unpinning her fascinator from her head. He watched her graceful movements silently, biding his time, as she carefully placed the black headpiece on the nightstand and shook out her long glossy brown hair. That was too much; he couldn’t resist not touching her, not being near her any longer.
He moved slowly around the room to her, clutched a handful of her thick luxuriant hair, and smelled it deeply. More of her delicious aroma filled his senses. She pushed him back gently until the backs of his legs caught on the edge of the bed, and she forced him back into a sitting position. Jack put his hands on her waist and slowly slid them down her hips and over her dress, until he finally touched the soft skin at the back of her knees. He tickled her there for a few s
econds, and she let out the tiniest of moans, encouraging him to do more.
He then started to rub her higher up her legs, journeying north, slowly but surely, up her dress. He was in no rush tonight. He savoured the feel of her skin under his fingertips, and watched her face as she seemed to relax under his touch. Jack’s fingers reached her underwear, and he teased her by rubbing her clitoris through her knickers. She must have enjoyed what he was doing because she started to sway her body, rubbing herself along his finger.
‘Mmmmm,’ she softly murmured. ‘I like that.’
‘Good, take off your dress,’ he ordered her. Her eyes flicked open, as though she were ready for a discussion, but he continued rubbing her and she seemed to give up. Jessie reached behind her back and unzipped her dress. She pulled the front down and freed her arms before shimmying it over her hips and onto the floor. She stepped out of it and kicked it the side before looking at him for his reaction.
He just stared at her body, transfixed by what was before him. She was even more stunning without her dress on, wearing a skimpy, lacy bra-and-knickers combination in green. Green. A green goddess, indeed. The lace was virtually see-through, and he could glimpse hard pink nipples straining through the fabric. He glanced down, expecting to see dark hair, but instead there was just green lace. It had been a long time since he’d seen a western woman’s body, and an even longer time since he’d seen underwear like that. When he didn’t say or do anything for a full twenty seconds, she flinched as though to pull away; but he caught her hips and continued stroking her legs, working up the insides of her thighs.
‘You look amazing,’ he whispered as he leaned in to kiss the beautiful skin on her taut flat stomach. She stroked his hair and pulled him closer to her.
‘Thanks,’ she replied breathlessly as his fingers made her shudder, and he felt her moisten through her underwear.
‘Enough,’ she demanded. She pushed him back slightly, and skillfully unbuttoned his shirt, peeling it off him. It was now her turn to stare. Maybe he imagined it, but he thought her breath caught, before she seemed to shake herself and start unfastening his trousers. Her deft fingers made short work of them, and she simultaneously peeled off his boxers and his trousers in one. Again she stared. For longer this time.
‘Too small,’ he joked. He’d always been confident about his size, plus he’d never had any complaints before.
‘It’ll do,’ she said playfully, smiling at him. She then pushed him back and he scooted them both up the bed lengthways. She planted a long, lazy kiss on his mouth and traced her fingers down his chest, hovering at where his waistband would normally have been.
‘Touch me,’ he practically begged. He wasn’t used to foreplay anymore. Maybe he was in a rush after all. She obviously heard the desperation in his voice, because she continued to play around the general area where he wanted her to touch him, without actually touching him there.
‘Jesus,’ he moaned, kissing her more passionately. He then pulled down her bra on her right breast and sucked hard on her nipple. She inhaled deeply, and then slowly her fingers found their way to his hardening cock and finally started to stroke him. Gently at first, using her fingertips, before she gradually took a firmer hold and began a slow and rhythmic pump. Meanwhile Jack moved on to the other breast, giving it the same treatment, alternately sucking and licking her.
Jessie’s body started to come alive, and she began to slide herself gently up and down his side, grinding her pelvis into him. Jack could have done this for hours. Jessie, on the other hand, he felt was getting impatient, as she began to pump him harder and faster. She eventually stopped altogether and straddled him. Still wearing her knickers, she slid the gusset to one side and rubbed his cock against her clitoris.
Jack hadn’t seen anything as sexy as this in a long time. She was sat on top of him, still wearing her bra but with her breasts fully exposed to him. And, she was clearly getting off and enjoying herself while he lay there and watched her. She started to probe him further and deeper into her opening, which felt amazing to him. Then, alarm bells started blaring.
‘Condom,’ he huskily said. She didn’t seem to hear him and he had to grab her wrists, stilling her, and say it again, before it finally registered with her.
Jessie leaned over to her bag on the nightstand, and Jack took the opportunity to pull her back by grabbing her arse and smothering her chest with kisses. He just couldn’t help himself. She gasped with surprise then laughed as she reached over to retrieve a small square packet from her bag. She opened the packet, handed him the condom, then watched him closely as he rolled it on over his hard cock. Jessie then slid out of her knickers and resumed right where she’d stopped pre-condom, rubbing him on her. She slowly started to edge him deeper inside her in short forward and backward motions. Just when he thought he couldn’t take it anymore, she forced his whole length inside her and her eyes flew open wide. Even wearing a condom, she felt amazing on him. Tight, but not too tight.
She found her rhythm again and rode him slowly at first, building up her speed gradually. He felt her come as she quivered on his cock, which only made him closer. Her orgasm lasted and kept coming in waves, making her moan and moan repetitively. The combination of her orgasming on him and her moans pushed him over the edge, and he released inside her with his own groan of satisfaction.
Jessie stayed there looking down at him for a second. Her face looked puzzled. Jack briefly wondered if she wished he were someone else and he found himself feeling jealous again even though he’d just had her. He wanted her to want him the way she thought she wanted Charlie. She smiled and gently climbed off of him before collapsing next to him on the bed.
‘That was good,’ she said, rearranging her bra so that it covered her tits properly again. To Jack’s ears she sounded detached and unemotional. In fact, she sounded exactly the way he usually sounded after sex. Cold and aloof. But Jack wasn’t feeling that way about Jessie. He’d enjoyed himself immensely and it stung him that she didn’t seem to feel the same way. To call the sex ‘good’ would be putting it mildly. It had been fucking amazing as far as he was concerned.
Chapter 12
Jessie felt a little scared as she made her way back downstairs to the reception. Scared and exhilarated. She wasn’t sure what had come over her and made her act so totally out of character and impetuously. She wasn’t drunk. Well, not that drunk anyway. She’d enjoyed taking control with Jack. She’d enjoyed the sex even more. Despite his earlier coldness and indifference to her, he had actually seemed to find her attractive. At least one brother had, she thought, feeling glum for a second.
Jessie felt even glummer when she returned to the party and saw Charlie flirting outrageously with Nadia, the bridesmaid. They were dancing and groping each other in a less than appropriate way, considering there were children dancing around them. She could have sworn Nadia had said she was married.
Jessie honestly wondered why she’d even bothered coming back to the reception. Probably to seek Charlie out after having had her wicked way with his brother, if she was a hundred percent truthful with herself. Plus, she couldn’t exactly have stayed the night with Jack, could she? She didn’t even like him. He was a grump with a nice body. And nice eyes. And he knew his way satisfactorily around the bedroom. Well, maybe a little more than satisfactorily. He was definitely skilled in that department, she conceded. As she thought back on recent events, he’d actually been very kind and sweet to her. Maybe she should have said goodbye properly, rather than dressing at the speed of light and sneaking out of his room whilst he was using the bathroom. She cringed as she recalled how she’d sprinted down the hallway, trying to zip up her dress and put on her shoes at the same time. Not classy, Jessie. Not classy at all.
‘Oh well,’ she half-said, half-sighed to herself as she stared at Charlie. Jack probably wouldn’t care. It’s not like he was going to come and chase after her and demand an explanation.
‘Fancy a dance?’ came a familiar voice over her
‘I thought you’d never ask,’ she replied, turning and smiling at Tom as he took her hand and led her to the dance floor.
‘I’ve been looking for you for ages,’ Jessie lied. ‘Where’ve you been hiding anyway?’
‘I could say the same about you,’ he answered with a glint in his eye, which really said, You’ve had some action and so have I. That’s why she loved Tom. They both blatantly knew the other one had been up to shufty business, but they didn’t have to have a full on discussion about it.
Tom swirled Jessie round the dance floor as the cover band got into full swing. They were really good and she started to relax. So much so that she wasn’t even totally aware of where Charlie was, what he was doing, nor to whom he was doing it. Tom was a fantastic dancer and he seemed to really bring out the full swishiness of Jessie’s dress. Not a total waste, she thought, smiling at Tom. He smiled warmly back at her and she silently thanked him for coming and being her plus one today. Tom was a brilliant friend and she wanted him to be happy. She knew it was selfish of her to feel the way she did, and she did feel bad for thinking it, but she hoped he wouldn’t be settling down with the man of his dreams anytime soon.
Chapter 13
Tom loved to dance. He particularly loved to dance with Jessie. She wasn’t self-conscious, and was actually pretty good at it. As was often the case, Jessie seemed to be able to read and anticipate his moves—both on and off the dance floor.
This same connection also told him that she’d been kissing boys that evening, and that she knew he had been too. He couldn’t put his finger on it exactly, but there was something about the hungry stares Jessie had been on the receiving end of today, from anything with a pulse, that he wasn’t quite comfortable with. He must be getting protective in his old age. Probably with good reason. Jessie had absolutely no clue about the effect she had on men. Well, most men. There was that Charlie punter who seemed to be the only bloke in the vicinity who was immune to Jessie’s charms. How ironic that he was the only one she was interested in. Speak of the devil.